Curve example¶
Create a basic curve plotting widget:
before creating any widget, a QApplication must be instantiated (that is a Qt internal requirement):
>>> import guidata >>> app = guidata.qapplication()
that is mostly equivalent to the following (the only difference is that the
helper function also installs the Qt translation corresponding to the system locale):>>> from qtpy.QtWidgets import QApplication >>> app = QApplication([])
now that a QApplication object exists, we may create the plotting widget using
:>>> from plotpy.plot import PlotWidget, PlotOptions >>> options = PlotOptions(title="Example", xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", type="curve") >>> plot = PlotWidget(options=options)
…or using the
):>>> from plotpy.builder import make >>> plot = make.widget(title="Example", xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", type="curve")
Create a curve item:
from the associated plot item class (e.g. ErrorBarCurveItem to create a curve with error bars): the item properties are then assigned by creating the appropriate style parameters object (e.g.
):>>> from plotpy.items import CurveItem >>> from plotpy.styles import CurveParam >>> param = CurveParam() >>> param.label = 'My curve' >>> curve = CurveItem(param) >>> curve.set_data(x, y)
or using the
):>>> from plotpy.builder import make >>> curve = make.curve(x, y, title='My curve')
Attach the curve to the plotting widget:
>>> plot.add_item(curve)
Display the plotting widget:
>>> plot.show()
>>> app.exec()
Image example¶
Create a basic image plotting widget (see also Curve example),
using PlotWidget
and PlotOptions
>>> import guidata
>>> app = guidata.qapplication()
>>> from plotpy.plot import PlotWidget, PlotOptions
>>> plot = PlotWidget(options=PlotOptions(title="Example", type="image"))
…or using the PlotBuilder
(see plotpy.builder.make
>>> from plotpy.builder import make
>>> plot = make.widget(title="Example", type="image")
Generate random data for testing purpose:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.random.rand(100, 100)
Create a simple image item:
from the associated plot item class (e.g. XYImageItem to create an image with non-linear X/Y axes): the item properties are then assigned by creating the appropriate style parameters object (e.g.
):>>> from plotpy.items import ImageItem >>> from plotpy.styles import ImageParam >>> param = ImageParam() >>> param.label = 'My image' >>> image = ImageItem(param) >>> image.set_data(data)
or using the
):>>> from plotpy.builder import make >>> image = make.image(data, title='My image')
Final steps (see also Curve example):
>>> plot.add_item(image)
>>> plot.show()
>>> app.exec()
Shape example¶
A shape may be created:
from the associated plot item class (e.g. RectangleShape to create a rectangle): the item properties are then assigned by creating the appropriate style parameters object (
):>>> from plotpy.items import RectangleShape >>> from plotpy.styles import ShapeParam >>> param = ShapeParam() >>> param.title = 'My rectangle' >>> rect_item = RectangleShape(0., 2., 4., 0., param)
or using the
):>>> from plotpy.builder import make >>> rect_item = make.rectangle(0., 2., 4., 0., title='My rectangle')
Annotation example¶
An annotated shape may be created:
from the associated plot item class (e.g. AnnotatedCircle to create an annotated circle): the item properties are then assigned by creating the appropriate style parameters object (
):>>> from plotpy.items import AnnotatedCircle >>> from plotpy.styles import AnnotationParam >>> param = AnnotationParam() >>> param.title = 'My circle' >>> circle_item = AnnotatedCircle(0., 2., 4., 0., param)
or using the
):>>> from plotpy.builder import make >>> circle_item = make.annotated_circle(0., 2., 4., 0., title='My circle')